Diseases & Disorders, injury, massage

Osgood-Schlatter Disease – Symptoms And Treatment

What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common musculoskeletal condition seen in growing children and young adolescents. This is a condition which is caused by inflammation around the kneecap area around the region where the patellar tendon meets the tibia. The symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease normally flare up during growth spurts when there are significant changes going on the muscles, tendons, and bones of the child.

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Anatomy, Diseases & Disorders, health & science, injury, massage

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome or Chronic Myofascial Pain?

Myofascial pain syndrome or chronic myofascial pain is a chronic pain disorder characterized by chronic pain caused by multiple trigger points and fascial constrictions.1 In myofascial pain syndrome, compression on sensitive points in the muscles, which are also known as trigger points, cause pain in unrelated parts of the body also known as referred pain. Myofascial pain syndrome or chronic myofascial pain usually occurs after a muscle has been contracted frequently resulting in pain and inflammation in the body’s soft tissues. Myofascial pain primarily affects the fascia i.e. connective tissue that covers the muscles. It may involve either a single muscle or a muscle group.

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Anatomy, exercise, health & science, massage

Inguinal Ligament Dysfunction


The Inguinal Ligament is a constricted band of thick fibrous connective tissues which are present in the pelvic region of the body. These tissues arise from the external oblique and course through across the groin and attaches to the front part of the iliac spine. The inguinal ligament forms the floor of the inguinal canal and provides support to the passage of structures through the canal.

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exercise, injury, massage

Overlooked Cause Of Lower Back Pain

You have a client who tells you this:

‘I reached for something and suddenly I felt a sharp spasm in the lower part of my back, slightly to the side of the spine, at the bottom of the ribs, and when I breathe in really deep I can feel it’.

Based on the above description you should suspect that you might be dealing with the Serratus Posterior Inferior muscle.

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exercise, injury, massage

Latissimus Dorsi Cramps

Latissimus Dorsi Cramps arise due to strained Latissimus Dorsi muscle. This condition is known to affect the spinal region, shoulders and the upper arms. The strain follows pain and restriction of use of muscles. Lack of use muscles causes muscle atrophy and wastage. Muscle wastage and pain leads to the occurrence of muscle atrophy which further hampers the movement of arms, back and the shoulders. This condition usually occurs due to the repetitive movement of the shoulder, arms or back region which results in pain due to the over usage. 

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