gym & fitness, health & science, injury

Does Lactic Acid cause muscle soreness?

Fact 1: Heavy exertion of the muscles causes lactic acid build up

Fact 2: Lactic acid build up in your muscles is accompanied by pain.

Fact 3: Your muscles hurt for a few days after a heavy workout.

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Anatomy, Diseases & Disorders, health & science, injury, massage

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome or Chronic Myofascial Pain?

Myofascial pain syndrome or chronic myofascial pain is a chronic pain disorder characterized by chronic pain caused by multiple trigger points and fascial constrictions.1 In myofascial pain syndrome, compression on sensitive points in the muscles, which are also known as trigger points, cause pain in unrelated parts of the body also known as referred pain. Myofascial pain syndrome or chronic myofascial pain usually occurs after a muscle has been contracted frequently resulting in pain and inflammation in the body’s soft tissues. Myofascial pain primarily affects the fascia i.e. connective tissue that covers the muscles. It may involve either a single muscle or a muscle group.

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Anatomy, exercise, health & science, massage

Inguinal Ligament Dysfunction


The Inguinal Ligament is a constricted band of thick fibrous connective tissues which are present in the pelvic region of the body. These tissues arise from the external oblique and course through across the groin and attaches to the front part of the iliac spine. The inguinal ligament forms the floor of the inguinal canal and provides support to the passage of structures through the canal.

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Diseases & Disorders, health & science, massage



There can be many causes resulting in headache behind the eye which may range from cluster headaches to migraines to even cranial nerve palsies. Headache behind the eye is usually sharp, throbbing, or explosive pain behind the eye.

Some of the common causes of headache behind the eye are:

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Diseases & Disorders, exercise, health & science

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of arthritis that primarily affects the spine. The disease is characterized by inflammation and resulting stiffness and pain in the joints along the spine. The knee and shoulder joints may also be affected.

With ankylosing spondylitis (pronounced ankle-low-zing spond-ill-eye-tis), the inflammation in the joints of the spine will typically result in parts of the vertebrae and joints in the spine fusing together. As parts of the vertebrae grow (or “fuse”) together, the spine becomes more rigid and inflexible.

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